Site Speed Testing

Site Speed Optimization

Studies have proven that if your site doesn’t load in 3s or less, 53% of mobile site visitors will abandon your website and never return. You're either fast, or you lose! Can your website pass the latest Google Site Speed Test?

Site Speed Testing
Google Site Speed Test

Why Is Site Speed
So Critical?

When a customer pulls up to a drive-thru restaurant, they want their food fast! When they are forced to wait, they become unhappy customers who write negative reviews that will likely discourage future patrons. Site speed affects search engine rankings, traffic, and user experience as well.

Website speed, or website performance, is how quickly a browser can display fully functional web pages from a given site. Slow rendering web pages can lead to high bounce rates, cart abandonment, low conversions, and unsubscribers. Conversely, fast-loading websites get more traffic and higher conversion rates.

How Does Site Speed Testing
Speed Up Websites?

Our process begins with combining a (CDN) Content Delivery Network with lighting fast WordPress Hosting. Next, we implement Site Speed Optimizing strategies to ensure that your website experiences blazing speeds every time someone clicks on a page, post, or product!

If you are not familiar with a CDN (which most people are not), we brought in Ryan Sumner, the Chief Network Architect at IBM Cloud, to give you a brief explanation. It’s one of those must watch videos; Ryan breaks down CDNs in layman’s terms, so there is no need to worry about him talking over your head.

Content Delivery Network
Play Video

A Slow Website Not Speed Optimized

Below are the test results of a website not on a Content Delivery Network, nor does it have the proper WordPress hosting. Additionally, it has not been speed optimized. As you can see, the GTmetrix grade it received is an alarming, “D!”

slow loading websites

A Fast Website Fully Speed Optimized

Below are the test results of a website on a Content Delivery Network with the right WordPress hosting and speed optimized. As you can see, the GTmetrix grade it received is an excellent “A!”


Test Your Website

Let’s see how your site performs. DULY NOTE: SEO and Web Development Professionals use three testing tools because each tool only addresses 1/3 of the picture regarding your website performance.

Google Site Speed Test

Everybody Hates
A Slow Website!

Who hates a slow website the most? Google! And the big “G” is the one who controls how your website ranks in the largest search engine in the world. Consequently, if Google hates your website, you don’t stand a chance to rank one keyword, let alone a group of keywords.

The rule of thumb is, the slower your site, the quicker your visitors will abandon your cart, unsubscribe, leave a negative review, or abruptly leave. Therefore, if you failed all three site speed tests or only one Google Site Speed Test, you need to contact us for your free consultation immediately.

SEO Now Has
Vital Signs?

Since Google rolled out its Core Web Vitals, the game has changed! Core Web Vitals is a threefold subset of performance metrics Google will gradually apply to all websites. Each of these performance metrics represents a distinctive and measurable aspect of the user experience.

Core Web Vitals
Google Tools

You Have To Become
a SEO Rocket Scientist?

Per Google, if your website DOES NOT meet a seventy-five percentile score on all three metrics, your website IS NOT in compliance with Google standards. Honestly, you have to become an SEO Rocket Scientist to figure this stuff out!

STOP! You’ve got better things to do; we can speed optimize your website while you attend to your business. Just look at what clients have to say about us.

"Happy Clients"

A Much Faster WebSite
Is Waiting For You!